12 found
  1.  46
    Augustine’s First Monastery.George P. Lawless - 1985 - Augustinianum 25 (1-2):65-78.
  2.  3
    El monasterio de san Agustín en Tagaste.George P. Lawless & J. Oroz - 1986 - Augustinus 31 (121-122):161-167.
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  3.  50
    Ordo Monasterii.George P. Lawless - 1982 - Augustinianum 22 (3):469-491.
  4.  30
    James J. O'Donnell, Cassiodorus. [REVIEW]George P. Lawless - 1981 - Augustinianum 21 (2):445-446.
  5.  8
    John A. Mourant, Saint Augustine on Memory. [REVIEW]George P. Lawless - 1981 - Augustinianum 21 (3):598-599.
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  6.  52
    Warren Thomas Smith, Augustine: His Life and Thought. [REVIEW]George P. Lawless - 1983 - Augustinianum 23 (3):562-563.
  7.  57
    Luc Verheijen, Saint Augustine: Monk, Priest, Bishop. [REVIEW]George P. Lawless - 1981 - Augustinianum 21 (2):433-435.
  8.  69
    Werner Beierwaltes, Regio Beatitudinis: St. Augustine’s Concept of Happiness. [REVIEW]George P. Lawless - 1983 - Augustinianum 23 (3):561-562.
  9.  46
    Antonio Cacciari (ed.), S. Agostino d’Ippona, La Preghiera. [REVIEW]George P. Lawless - 1983 - Augustinianum 23 (3):562-562.
  10.  75
    T. J. Van Bavel, OSA, Christians in the World. [REVIEW]George P. Lawless - 1981 - Augustinianum 21 (3):597-598.
  11.  39
    John J. O'Meara, The Creation of Man in De Genesi ad litteram. [REVIEW]George P. Lawless - 1981 - Augustinianum 21 (3):599-600.
  12.  14
    Andrew Louth, The Origins of the Christian Mystical Tradition. From Plato to Denys. [REVIEW]George P. Lawless - 1983 - Augustinianum 23 (3):563-564.